Skin layers
Skin layers

Corns and calluses

Corns and calluses are thickened layers of skin caused by repeated pressure or friction.

Alternative Names:

Calluses and corns

Causes, incidence, and risk factors:

A corn is a small area of thickened skin that occurs on the top or side of a toe. It is usually the result of friction or pressure from shoes that do not fit properly. A callus may develop on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet in areas where pressure or friction occur.

The thickening of the skin is a protective reaction designed to provide protection. For example, farmers and rowers get callused hands that prevent them from getting painful blisters during their activities.

People with bunions often develop a callus over the bunion because that part of the toe has become very prominent and rubs against the shoe.

Neither corns nor calluses are serious conditions.


Skin abnormalities

  • Thick
  • Hardened
  • May be flaky and dry
  • Located on hands, feet, or other areas that may be rubbed or pressured
Signs and tests:

Your health care provider will make the diagnosis after observing the skin. In most cases tests are not necessary.


Usually, removing the cause of the friction is the only treatment needed. If the corn is a result of a poor-fitting shoe, changing to shoes that fit properly will usually eliminate the corn in a period of weeks. Until then, the skin can be protected with corn pads or felt. If desired, use an abrasive such as a pumice stone to gently wear down the corn.

Calluses on the hands can usually be treated by wearing gloves during activities that expose the hands to friction such as gardening and weight lifting.

If an infection or ulceration of the foot or hand occurs in an area of callus or corn formation, unhealthy tissue may need to be removed by a health care provider and treatment with antibiotics may become necessary.

Calluses often reflect undue pressure placed on the skin because of an underlying problem such as bunions. Proper treatment of any underlying condition should prevent recurrence of the calluses.

Expectations (prognosis):
Corns and calluses are rarely serious. If treated properly they should improve without causing long-term problems.
Complications of corns and calluses are rare. People with diabetes are prone to ulcers and infections and should regularly examine their feet to identify any problems right away. Such foot injuries need medical attention.
Calling your health care provider:

People with diabetes who notice problems with their feet should contact their health care providers. Otherwise, simply changing to better-fitting shoes or wearing gloves should resolve most problems with corns and calluses.

If you suspect that your corn or callus is infected or if it is not getting better despite treatment, contact your health care provider.

Wearing shoes that fit properly and wearing gloves when working with your hands will prevent the vast majority of corns and calluses.

Review Date: 1/15/2003
Reviewed By: Andrew L. Chen, M.D., M.S., Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York, NY. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.
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